Tuesday, 7 November 2023

BBNYA Spotlight - Old Wizards Home by D.G. Redd

This year, the Book Bloggers’ Novel of the Year Award (BBNYA) is celebrating the books that made it into Round Two with a mini spotlight blitz tour for each title. BBNYA is a yearly competition where book bloggers from all over the world read and score books written by indie authors, ending with 15 finalists and one overall winner.

If you want some more information about BBNYA, check out the BBNYA Website https://www.bbnya.com/ or take a peek over on Twitter @BBNYA_Official. BBNYA is brought to you in association with the

@Foliosociety (if you love beautiful books, you NEED to check out their website!) and the book blogger support group


Length: 322 pages

Genre: Fantasy

Age Category: Adult

Date Published: 17 September 2022

Amazon Link: UK




The Story Graph


Rodius Drach, the most evil and villainous wizard to have ever lived, has languished in the old wizards home for ten thousand years. Yet he is nothing but patient, and awaits the time of his inevitable return, when he will once again rain havoc and ruin upon The Three Kingdoms and rise as its dark ruler. Now his arch nemesis, the white wizard Delavar Godson is planning an escape. Will Rodius team up with his sworn rival? Will he once again summon his black army to torment the land and bring forth a dark age?

Author Bio

D.G. Redd writes fantasy and science fiction. His fantasy is heavily inspired by Dungeons and Dragons, whereas his science fiction is influence by Iain M Banks and Kevin J Anderson.

While he writes speculative fiction now, D.G. Redd grew up reading thrillers and horror. Stephen King, Dean Koontz, John Grisham, and Tom Clancy are the inspiration behind Redd's fast paced writing. Wilbur Smith, Eddings, Tolkien, and Hobb showed him the magic of fantasy and multi-novel story lines.

He resides in Sydney, Australia and firmly believes that all the voices in his stories have Australian accents.

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