Sunday, 29 October 2023

BBNYA Spotlight - Idriel's Children by Hayley Reese Chow


About BBNYA and the Spotlight Tours

This year, the Book Bloggers’ Novel of the Year Award (BBNYA) is celebrating the books that made it into Round Two with a mini spotlight blitz tour for each title. BBNYA is a yearly competition where book bloggers from all over the world read and score books written by indie authors, ending with 15 finalists and one overall winner.

If you want some more information about BBNYA, check out the BBNYA Website or take a peek over on Twitter @BBNYA_Official. BBNYA is brought to you in association with the @Foliosociety (if you love beautiful books, you NEED to check out their website!) and the book blogger support group @The_WriteReads.

Idriel's Children by Hayley Reese Chow

Length: 203 pages

Genre: Fantasy

Age Category: Young Adult

Date Published: 19 July 2021

Amazon Link: (UK) (Canada) (USA)

Goodreads Link:

TheStoryGraph Link: 

Reaping darkness, the Shadow slicked steel with judgment and danced with death…

Sixteen-year-old Aza inherited the power of shadow to rid the land of evil as Odriel’s cold-blooded assassin. With her growing strength, Aza discovers the Shadow Plane—a realm of wraiths where screams haunt the winds, calling to her. Although her father forbids her from entering the dark realm, Aza can’t ignore the beckoning whispers.

When a dangerous new breed of monster attacks, Aza believes the Shadow Plane holds the answers they need to defeat them. With the unwanted help of a snarky cat and a cursed beast, Aza seeks out the monastic Wraith-Called for answers. But the deeper Aza delves into the dark realm, the further she drifts from the world she knows.

As Aza uncovers evils new and old, she must decide if the ends really do justify the means… and how many lives she’s willing to pay.

Author Bio

Hayley Reese Chow is the author of Odriel's Heirs, the 2020 winner of the Florida Author Project and fifth place finalist in the 2021 Book Blogger Novel of the Year Awards. She's also the author of Into the Churn, a romantic YA sci-fi released by Whimsical Publishing in April 2023.

When not falling head over heels into fictional worlds, her hat collection includes mother, wife, engineer, reservist, fencer, ultramarathoner, triathlete, world traveler, book inhaler, and super nerd. Hayley currently dodges hurricanes in Florida with two small wild boys, her long-suffering husband, and her miniature ragehound.

To find Hayley's other stories and see what she's working on next, check out You can also find her on Twitter, TikTok, or Instagram @HayleyReeseChow.

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