Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Summer Strawberries at Swallowtail Bay (Swallowtail Bay book 2) by Katie Ginger (2020)


A warm, feel-good romance. Hetty and John are adorable and I couldn't wait to see them end up together. I felt very invested in their first joint entrepreneurial venture and I really wanted it to succeed, especially as John's family estate was at stake and his parents were fragile. There was great chemistry between John and Hetty right from the beginning and despite them having their own admirers they secretly became infatuated with one another. It was a lovely slow-burn romance and I was sorry when the book was over.  The subplot concerning Hetty's parents was great. I loved those two! and hope to see more from older characters like them in the rest of the series.

#SummerStrawberriesatSwallowtailBay is out today!

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