Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Author Spotlight: Robin Hawdon.

Number Ten: Dramatic Thriller By One Of The UK's Most Prolific Playwrights, Robin Hawdon.

Buy Link- Amazon

I'm delighted to welcome Robin Hawdon to the page today to talk about his five star reviewed 'No. Ten.'

Author Post by Robin Hawdon

My long writing career has been extremely eclectic – perhaps too eclectic. I have written novels in varied genres, plays in all genres, film scripts, poetry, news articles – you name it, I’ve dabbled with it (see my website). I love intelligent thrillers, both in book and cinematic form, so this time I decided to try my hand at this market and write a fast action thriller. And as I’m very interested in politics (we are casting a new play about Churchill and Chamberlain at the moment) I decided to put the UK government at the centre of the story. I’m also a fan of the Jason Bourne stories, so the idea of having a junior innocent member of Number Ten Downing Street’s staff falsely implicated in a plot to bring down the government appealed to me.
What has thrilled me since the recent launch is the quality of the Amazon reviews so far. This extract from ditinguished reviewer Linda Hill sums up perfectly the sort of review I had hoped for, and it also gives a better description of what the book is about than I could have done! How could one top this:-

“Wow!  Number Ten begins in explosive fashion and maintains a high-octane, fast pace until the very last word. Reading Number Ten felt akin to riding a rather breathtaking fairground ride and I hardly had time to catch my breath. Although this is fiction, so many similar events to those in the plot have happened recently here in the UK and abroad in countries like Sri Lanka, after Number Ten‘s publication, that any suspension of disbelief that might have been needed simply evaporated. The action in Number Ten felt real, vivid and only too scarily possible.
It is obvious that Robin Hawdon writes with a director’s eye. He understands exactly what information is needed to hook the reader, to create setting and to drive the action, making reading the book an almost cinematic experience. Number Ten would translate into the most fabulous television series because the pace is perfect and there are surprises that shock in a scenario that is utterly believable. On occasion, the reader only receives information at the same time as the characters so that it feels as if you’re part of the action too. Indeed, I found the quality of the writing completely engaging. The present tense used for Rafik creates an immediacy and ongoing threat, and those passages involving the hero Paul are slick, sophisticated and superbly crafted. I think the natural quality of the direct speech adds to the sensation that Number Ten is something special.
Themes of corruption, love, loyalty, betrayal, threat, politics in many forms, idealism, policing – I could go on – weave their way through this exciting story so naturally, making this book all the more captivating.
I so enjoyed Number Ten. If I say that I had to give up trying to sleep at three in the morning because I only had 40 pages or so left to read and I kept wondering what was happening in my absence, you’ll know how powerful a hold the narrative had on me. It is a glorious thriller that kept me enthralled throughout. I really recommend it.”

             Thank you for visiting today.

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